Support (Current Time: 5:31:41 AM)
Our official help-desk hours are: 07:30 am to 5pm. However, that does not mean you will not get support after 5pm as we are also connected to our help-desk via a smart-phone application. If we are available, you will still receive support, no matter what the hour is. We answer more than 90% of support tickets within 10 - 15 minutes, but like normal people, we sleep too :-)
While our official support policy is to answer all tickets within 24 hours on business days, you will usually get a response much sooner if we are available, but no longer than 24 hours on business days.

To ensure your issue gets resolved quickly, make sure:
- You include all relevant information. We don't magically know who you are, so please include your username, invoice no (if applicable) and any other relevant information necessary to enable us to find your account and address the problem you are experiencing.
- If you can't get to the rest of your account after logging in and only see a page to pay your sponsor when you have already done so, it means you closed your browser after you made your payment without returning to our site. In order for us to activate your account, you need to supply us with a screen-shot of your paypal receipt where you paid your sponsor. Supplying only the transaction id is not enough. If you don't know how to capture a screen-shot, you may also forward the paypal receipt you received in your email to [email protected] Remember to include your account username when forwarding your receipt or we will not know which account to activate
- Be detailed in your description of a problem otherwise the issue will be prolonged when we ask for a better explanation.
- Issues already addressed inside the members area will be moved to the back of the queue and set to low priority. We try to answer all support requests as quickly as possible and asking questions already answered inside your members area puts un unnecessary burden on support. As such, we will first tend to tickets not addressed inside the members area.
- Specify that you are seeking support for EasyCash4Ads by selecting the correct option from the drop-down-box when creating your ticket.
- Because of the unreliable nature of email, we recommend you view and reply to all tickets on our support site rather than through email. The support site also has the benefit of showing the complete conversation history